Korea Western Power
Future Strategic Management System
- Multi-dimensional support for the company's future strategy decision making
- Business plan and roadmap management linked to strategic goals
- Business plan-linked financial plan adequacy monitoring
- Comparative analysis of business portfolio financial prediction by scenario
Develop optimal business plan
- Economic feasibility and risk matrix management by individual business unit
- Regular investment management system through monitoring and history
management for each investment project
Korea Gas Corporation
Mid- to long-term financial strategy management system
- Implementing financial forecast models for
each business development type with
various and complex characteristics
- Cash flow connection between investment
business and company headquarters
(Loan, borrowing, dividend, capital increase, potato, tax, etc.)
- Company-wide financial forecastiong based
on business portfolio composition
- Financial strategy and regular restructuring support
- Achieve the strategic goal of debt ratio
through appropriate capex size and
investment capacity management
Korea Expressway Corporation
Financial Risk Management System
- Parallel management of financial risk and
non-financial operation risk
- Financial risk
(Interest rate risk/foreign exchange riks/credit risk)
- All foreseeable operating risks
Scenario composition by setting and quantifying sales risk
- Financial ratio impact by risk scenario
Liquidity risk measurement by risk scenario
- Early warning and response system support for each financial risk stage
Intellectual Property
Innovative Product Designation Certificate
Strategic decision-making support system
Management decision support system
Decision-making problem solving response system
Short-term management plan management support method
Financial risk management system
FSM(Future Strategic Management System)
Business Feasibility Analysis Solution
Financial Forecasting Solution
Mid- to long-term financial forecasting management solution
Investment decision support solution
Mid- to long-term financial forecast solution(Excel based)
Investment decision support solution(Excel based)
Financial structure stabilization solution(Excel based)